I'm Eric Burnett. My Goal is to help save you money.

Quote Tool Removal


We’ve temporarily removed the quote tool as we’re currently refining it to enhance your experience. Our team is dedicated to bringing you an improved version soon. Thank you for your patience!


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My Background


I worked for 18 years in a family business retailing cars in Bolton, England. Then came to WA on 8/8/08 and worked in a car dealership organising finance till 06/2009 where I worked with a national finance broker network before setting up this website in November 2023.


“Honesty is the best policy”

Don Burnett – My Amazing Dad

Alternative Options


Using a finance broker isn’t always the cheapest way To finance an asset. Because I always put the customer’s best interest first, I have put together a list of options that might work out cheaper for you than using my services.

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